Guidance and Counseling



Leadership in providing academic guidance and counseling services to students.


Spreading the guiding culture among students, guiding them, and overcoming the difficulties and problems they face.


  1. Introducing the concept of academic advising, and the statement of its importance to both faculty members and students.
  2. Providing academic advising services of all kinds to students.
  3. Identify students' academic, psychological, health, and physical problems, present them to them, and direct them to specialists when needed.
  4. Taking care of outstanding students, working to enhance their excellence, support them, and refine their talents.
  5. Helping struggling students, taking care of them, and following them up until they raise their academic level.
  6.  Taking care of students with special needs, by identifying their needs and providing them with assistance.
  7. Implementation of general programs related to academic advising (training courses, lectures, workshops).
  8. Preparing students to get acquainted and adapt to university life.

Guidance and Counseling Coordinator
Mona Safar Awad Mubarak